Hey, There!
I’m Vicki.

Vicki, the JoyKindler: Turning Curiosity into Contagious Joy at work …

From mapping chromosomes to sparking smiles, Vicki’s journey to becoming a joy alchemist wasn’t exactly linear. Armed with a master’s in Executive Leadership and a lifelong curiosity about what makes people tick, she ditched the lab coat for a mission: igniting contagious joy wherever she goes.

For over 25 years, Vicki has wielded her personality and pharmaceutical sales expertise at Pfizer. But beneath the spreadsheets, sales reports and research papers, a secret simmered: an unshakeable belief that joy isn’t just a bonus perk, it’s the secret sauce fueling a fulfilling life.

So, Vicki took her lab coat off years ago – and swapped microscopes for microphones. Now, she’s on a mission to share her transformative recipe for Joy with the world. Through her speaking engagements, she helps audiences crack the code to their own inner joy sources, turning curiosity into infectious conversations, and everyday hurdles into opportunities to take Joy-Jaunts.

Get ready to ditch the “shoulds” and embrace the “coulds.” Prepare to unleash your inner JoyKindler and let joy bubble over every brim. Be joystruck.

Are you ready to choose Joy?


The HRA Teamwork Award

The HRA Outstanding Teamwork Award is bestowed upon a passionate, enthusiastic and committed leader who fosters cooperation, collaboration & open communication, and who performs beyond the scope of their regular day-to-day job duties and responsibilities. 

The President’s Golden Circle Award – Sales

Excellence in Action.


Pfizer Achievement Award  (2019 & 2022)

Strong performance instrumental to overall sales success, based on hard work, focused efforts and perseverance, finishing in the Top 15 of the Sales Force.

Chief Joy Officer

Generating strong bonds with colleagues garners my enthusiasm. Its contagious. It lights me up. My favorite quote from Keith Harrell states: attitude is everything and it determines your altitude. When I am around people with gratitude attitudes, my heart changes, and Ive seen other hearts changed too. Joyful people make for better work environments and with them increased workplace well-being and motivation.

It dawned on me in Grad School that the SOLE of a corporation is built upon the SOUL of its people, which led me to further study positive psychology, servant leadership and happiness. In the process of getting better, over the years I’ve sought out experts to learn from in the fields of NLP, G.U.T.S., Heart- Based Leadership, Belonging and Gratitude. And, Im still always astonished by how the neurobiology of cheerfulness changes the DNA of business. Here, people realize their gifts and express them, and their incredible lives shine brighter in extraordinary ways.

Now, more than ever, Ive come to realize how important it is to feel good at work, to be happy, empowered, and motivated! When were like this, we transform into collaborative beings where energy and engagement is kept high. That level of ethos shapes a meaningful workplace culture that is where people want to be there. When Pfizers people enjoy lasting values-based recognition, empathy and appreciation for them, they feel accomplished. They belong to the team and they experience purpose, autonomy, and love. And that’s a great source of joy!


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