Mission Hope: Faith

How can someone awaken your heart?

Would you let them…..?

What if you heard ‘one’ voice in a crowd
that shined light on your places of pain….?

Would you listen…..?

As the kindler of JOY – I’m here to:

🔅Help you lift your chin…..
🔅Remind you to look up….
🔆That there can be be goodness in your gloom….
🔆That there can be soothing in your sadness…

There is HOPE on the horizon …

✔️Want to see it?

You’ll find it in this copy of
Mission Hope: Inspirational Stories of Faith & Triumph

Let’s find the ‘pleasure & purpose’ of this life – together….
~opening up your floodgates of #JOY


vicki {at} thejoykindler {dot} com

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